Episode 74

Ep 74 - Harnessing Energy Flow for Peak Performance and Mental Wellness with host Scott Dillingham and guest Kimberly Kingsley

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Show Summary:

Harnessing Energy Flow for Peak Performance and Mental Wellness with host Scott Fillingham and guest Kimberly Kingsley

In this episode of the Wisdom Lifestyle Money Show, host Scott Dillingham talks to Kimberly Kinsley, author, co-founder of The Flow Lab, and podcast host, about her journey from anxiety to enlightenment through understanding and harnessing energy flow. Kimberley shares insights from her work with business leaders and teams on how to increase focus, productivity, and overall mental wellness by aligning with their 'flow nature'. She discusses the importance of managing energy, not just time, and provides practical tips for achieving sustainable performance through rest, recovery, and selective attention. The conversation also touches on Kimberly's books, specifically 'The Energy Cure', and her podcast 'High Vibrational Life'. Towards the end, Kimberly and Scott engage in a discussion on potential collaboration for team workshops focusing on energy wellness to combat chronic stress.

00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation

00:41 Kimberly's Journey to the Flow Lab

04:33 Understanding the Concept of Flow

07:16 The Importance of Rest and Recovery

08:28 Services Offered by the Flow Lab

14:15 Kimberly's Books and Podcast

16:57 Final Thoughts and Contact Information

17:55 Post-Interview Conversation

Scott Dillingham:

Welcome back to the wisdom lifestyle money show

Scott Dillingham:

I'm your host scott dillingham.

Scott Dillingham:

And today I have a very special guest kimberly Kinsley i've known you for a

Scott Dillingham:

couple of years and you know during your career, you're the author of four books

Scott Dillingham:

You're the co founder Of the flow lab and you even have your own podcast and you

Scott Dillingham:

work with a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs and just people in general

Scott Dillingham:

to help increase their focus and to get so much extra work done in such little time.

Scott Dillingham:

So welcome Kimberly.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Thank you, Scott.

Kimberly Kingsley:

It's great to be here.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I appreciate you having me on the show.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Yeah, no

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

I'm excited to hear about the Flow Lab.

Scott Dillingham:

But before we get into the Flow Lab, can you tell me how you

Scott Dillingham:

got to where you are today?

Scott Dillingham:

Like, how does somebody accomplish all of these things?

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

Thank you for asking.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So my, I had a little bit of a rocky start.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I was very anxious in my twenties and we weren't really talking about anxiety

Kimberly Kingsley:

then the way we talk about it now.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And so I didn't really know what it was.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I just knew that my world was becoming increasingly small on the inside and

Kimberly Kingsley:

I just felt like I had to get out.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And I had graduated college.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I was working as an inside sales rep at a plastics manufacturing firm,

Kimberly Kingsley:

and I ended up moving from Arizona to Chicago, where I had a bit of a, I

Kimberly Kingsley:

like to call it a radical realignment.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Some would call it an awakening.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I had a major paradigm shift on life And I realized that we are designed

Kimberly Kingsley:

to flow First of all and that we are designed to flow from the inside out and

Kimberly Kingsley:

up until that point Up until that point I had been chasing life and I had been

Kimberly Kingsley:

you know looking for Are you my mother?

Kimberly Kingsley:

Are you my mother?

Kimberly Kingsley:

You know that child that children's book and just looking for my Purpose and once I

Kimberly Kingsley:

realized that just that single awareness.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I was like, okay, we're not taught this We're taught the opposite.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And so I was only there for a year, but it was a life changing year and I

Kimberly Kingsley:

I I attribute that to Lake Michigan.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

Real close to me.

Scott Dillingham:


Kimberly Kingsley:

Yeah I'm the great lakes are my heart there.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And so I just made a commitment at that time that I was going to teach

Kimberly Kingsley:

these principles that I had learned for the rest of my life, excuse me.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And so I did that.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I came back to Arizona.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I got a master's in counseling.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I'm a licensed professional counselor.

Kimberly Kingsley:

That's what I've done for most of my career.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And in 2020, ironically I started a business teaching, helping leaders and

Kimberly Kingsley:

their teams cultivate energy wellness.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

Which is an antidote to chronic stress.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So it's really inner flow.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So our theme and what we're focused on is connecting the dots

Kimberly Kingsley:

between wellness and performance.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

So performance, if I could keep talking, do you have any questions?

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

Performance is one end of the flow channel.

Kimberly Kingsley:

It's only one end, but in order to get there and have sustainable performance,

Kimberly Kingsley:

we need to have sustainable energy.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

So we work on this front end.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Where we take people through a four step process to align with their

Kimberly Kingsley:

flow nature and when we're aligned, then we have this natural resilience.

Kimberly Kingsley:

We have the agility to be able to face changes in our environment and our

Kimberly Kingsley:

workplaces, which we really need these days and we have the connection we need

Kimberly Kingsley:

to keep our nervous system regulated.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And to connect with other people and we had the energy

Kimberly Kingsley:

for sustainable performance.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So that's where my passion lies and has for nearly 30 years,

Kimberly Kingsley:

not to give away my age, but

Scott Dillingham:

fair enough.

Scott Dillingham:

No that's awesome.

Scott Dillingham:

No, I know you and I know what flow is.

Scott Dillingham:

That is how we met was you were facilitating classes for another company.

Scott Dillingham:

And, was teaching you how to perform at your peak.

Scott Dillingham:

But for those that are hearing this and they've not heard of flow in the

Scott Dillingham:

way that we're describing it here, would, or talking about it, would you

Scott Dillingham:

be able to describe that for everybody?

Kimberly Kingsley:

Yes, I would.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So there's two flow sciences that are actually really equally compelling.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And the one that most people are familiar with is the psychology of peak performance

Kimberly Kingsley:

and the neuroscience of peak performance.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So there are a set of conditions that help us get into the zone.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And the zone is where we feel our best and we do our best and it's our happy place.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So everyone loves, delicious time in the zone.

Kimberly Kingsley:

But then there's also the physics of flow, which physics in ancient Greece means.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

So we're talking about flow systems in nature of which we are a part.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So if you think of rivers, trees and human beings, we're all flow systems.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And of course we're built on layers and layers of physical flow systems

Kimberly Kingsley:

like blood flow, oxygen flow digestive flow, but we also have energy flow.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Yeah, and so at the flow lab, we merge these 2 flow sciences so that the

Kimberly Kingsley:

process and the how is the physics of flow, the inner movement of energy to

Kimberly Kingsley:

the point that it creates wellness.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Excuse me, Scott.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I have allergies to the point that it creates wellness and it also

Kimberly Kingsley:

fuels our sustainable performance.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So if we can create this sustainable interflow through developing

Kimberly Kingsley:

presence, developing emotional agility, actually processing our

Kimberly Kingsley:

day, processing our emotions.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And some of the other things that we do, then we can show up

Kimberly Kingsley:

to the world in a state of flow.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And you and I both know that there is micro states and macro states.

Kimberly Kingsley:

It could, we could be in a micro flow here where we've got this nice exchange

Kimberly Kingsley:

going and then, you and I could both get off this call and we could start working

Kimberly Kingsley:

and get into a macro state where we're really just focusing all our energy

Kimberly Kingsley:

and attention on the task at hand.

Kimberly Kingsley:

But there's a lot of stuff that goes into it for us to get there.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And so that's where we're focused.

Scott Dillingham:

No, that's awesome.

Scott Dillingham:

I love it.

Scott Dillingham:

And I'll share this and then I want to dive more into the flow

Scott Dillingham:

lab and how you help people.

Scott Dillingham:

But one of the things that I learned that I think is so valuable about

Scott Dillingham:

getting into flow is the rest and recovery cycle, because Yeah.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

Every hard worker I know wants to go, and they sacrifice rest, they

Scott Dillingham:

sacrifice sleep breaks, right?

Scott Dillingham:

It's what is a break?

Scott Dillingham:

But what I discovered was by taking those breaks.

Scott Dillingham:

What I do for my lunch, I'll eat, and then the second part of my lunch is I actually

Scott Dillingham:

go for a half an hour walk outside, rain, shine, snow, doesn't matter what it is.

Scott Dillingham:

And I go and at first when I started it, I was like, how is this going to help me?

Scott Dillingham:

I'm wasting half an hour of my time when I could be doing phone

Scott Dillingham:

calls or emails or whatever.

Scott Dillingham:

But what I discovered was it resets you by taking the rest and having that recovery.

Scott Dillingham:

So that when I actually do get back to work, I'm actually more productive.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Yeah probably multiple times more productive.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah, absolutely.

Scott Dillingham:

Cause otherwise you're getting burnt out.

Scott Dillingham:

So you're still working, but you're working slowly and the rest and recovery

Scott Dillingham:

helps you, so you don't get that.

Scott Dillingham:

So that's what I found was incredibly useful for myself.

Scott Dillingham:

But what do you guys do for the flow lab?

Scott Dillingham:

So I know you work for individuals and you do stuff for companies.

Scott Dillingham:

What does that look like?

Kimberly Kingsley:

Yeah, we T we take.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Leaders in their teams.

Kimberly Kingsley:

We like leaders to be involved because, we need safety.

Kimberly Kingsley:

We need environmental safety in order to flow.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And so it really helps if everyone is on the same page and you know this is

Kimberly Kingsley:

a business leader and I know that you create environments where people feel like

Kimberly Kingsley:

they can flow and they can be themselves and they can be top productivity and

Kimberly Kingsley:

creativity and probably have some fun.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So we take people through a four step process that brings

Kimberly Kingsley:

them back into inside out flow.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And here's the challenge.

Kimberly Kingsley:

The challenge is that we've been through so many stressful

Kimberly Kingsley:

events that most of us are stuck.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Most people are actually stuck in a little bit of fight or flight.

Kimberly Kingsley:

A little bit of chronic stress and even carrying some stress

Kimberly Kingsley:

backlog, like in their nervous system, some unprocessed stress.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Even trauma.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And so, when we reverse because a lot of us are going are in like a kind of a

Kimberly Kingsley:

reverse flow where we're like, okay, get up, get our coffee, run out the door.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Let's start the adrenaline pumping.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Let's get some cortisol in there because, that's our energy source.

Kimberly Kingsley:

We know what that is.

Kimberly Kingsley:

It's a recipe for burnout.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So we take that and we actually contrast the two different

Kimberly Kingsley:

paths that each of us can take.

Kimberly Kingsley:

One is the stress path and one is the flow path.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And just go through this process and, I'm, I thought maybe I

Kimberly Kingsley:

could share three tangible tips.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So a lot of people don't know this, but when we overthink when we're in our

Kimberly Kingsley:

heads, we're telling the nervous system that it's not safe to discharge stress.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And so I, one of the things that I bet happens when you go on that half hour

Kimberly Kingsley:

walk is that you get out of your head.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Is that true?

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

Like I'll yeah, I, sometimes there's this app.

Scott Dillingham:

I don't want to make the show about this app, but there's this breath work app

Scott Dillingham:

and it actually has one for walking.

Scott Dillingham:

So when you do that, it just like you don't think about

Scott Dillingham:

anything except for breathing.

Scott Dillingham:


Kimberly Kingsley:

So that's beautiful.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Yeah, so my first tip is like you Scott find time every day to get out of your

Kimberly Kingsley:

head give your nervous system a chance to discharge stress because even if

Kimberly Kingsley:

we don't know we're stressed if we go We're accumulating these experiences

Kimberly Kingsley:

that we actually need to digest.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And that's a whole nother conversation that I won't get into like energy

Kimberly Kingsley:

metabolism, but we have to start thinking of it, that it goes from inside out.

Kimberly Kingsley:

It's the opposite of food.

Kimberly Kingsley:

We're bringing it in, but then we've got to actually, it's got to go through a

Kimberly Kingsley:

process before we get to the point where we show up to the world as our best,

Kimberly Kingsley:

brightest, most energized, focused self.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And so along with that, this, I would recommend that people

Kimberly Kingsley:

take integration breaks.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So like when we get off this call you and I will both probably do this because

Kimberly Kingsley:

you have a lot of experience with flow.

Kimberly Kingsley:

When we get off this call, you and I will probably take a few breaths, process it,

Kimberly Kingsley:

think about it, and let it like digest before we move on to the next task.

Kimberly Kingsley:

If people could do that thing alone, just take a minute in between tasks.

Kimberly Kingsley:

To let to digest what you've just experienced so it doesn't accumulate.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah, I will admit that is something that I learned,

Scott Dillingham:

but it's something that you have to make a habit and that is an area of

Scott Dillingham:

improvement I have to do for myself.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay, I will say that.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah, because we are pulled in many directions, right?

Scott Dillingham:

A client will call and then I've got to speak to the

Scott Dillingham:

client's lawyer and the realtor.

Scott Dillingham:

And so we're, All over the place, but yeah I agree.

Scott Dillingham:

Taking that little reset when I've done it has really helped for sure.

Scott Dillingham:


Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

So the last tip that I'll leave your listeners with is to practice.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Selective attention and here's why what we connect with we need to digest.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So if we get on to a negative rant by someone on YouTube, for example,

Kimberly Kingsley:

or even in a conversation with a coworker that it's going a little

Kimberly Kingsley:

bit South, we then carry that energy, that emotional energy, which we know.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Emotion is energy in motion.

Kimberly Kingsley:

It's energy and information moving through the nervous system.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So if we could be a little more selective with what we connect with, we would

Kimberly Kingsley:

have less stress to process in the end.

Scott Dillingham:

So I love it.

Scott Dillingham:

Thanks for sharing those.

Scott Dillingham:

Those are all great tips.

Scott Dillingham:

And that's probably just the icing on the cake for what you

Scott Dillingham:

guys offer at the Flow Lab.

Scott Dillingham:


Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

Yes, it is.

Scott Dillingham:

So that's awesome.

Scott Dillingham:

That's awesome.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

So I know our time is limited because we keep these short on purpose.

Scott Dillingham:

But I'd like to hear because you're also an author and you have your own podcast.

Scott Dillingham:

So I'd like to hear about that.

Scott Dillingham:

And then we'll touch on how people reach out to you if they're

Scott Dillingham:

interested in your services.

Scott Dillingham:

Let's talk about your book.

Scott Dillingham:

So what did you write about?

Kimberly Kingsley:

Oh energy, probably my most popular book is

Kimberly Kingsley:

called the energy cure recharging your life 30 seconds at a time.

Kimberly Kingsley:

But, all four of them have a little bit of a different flavor and they can be found

Kimberly Kingsley:

on my website, which is Kimberly Kingsley.

Kimberly Kingsley:

com and there's also a link to the flow lab on there, which is the flow lab.

Kimberly Kingsley:

co and my podcast for those who are interested is high vibrational life.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And it's available wherever podcasts are.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

That's awesome.

Scott Dillingham:

You said it like a true spokesperson for podcasts.

Scott Dillingham:

I love it.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

So somebody who let's do this then.

Scott Dillingham:

So say they've heard this, they're interested and maybe they want

Scott Dillingham:

to start off with the book.

Scott Dillingham:

Cause they want to get.

Scott Dillingham:

A little more knowledge on this topic before they dive

Scott Dillingham:

in and tap into your services.

Scott Dillingham:

What book would you say would be the best primer for somebody

Scott Dillingham:

that wants to get into?

Scott Dillingham:

This would not be the one you just mentioned, or would it be a different one?

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

I w I would say the energy cure because it's written in a way to be

Kimberly Kingsley:

really digestible and it talks about how to manage our energy and optimize

Kimberly Kingsley:

our energy on every level of self, physical, emotional, mental, relational.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So yes, the energy cure and there's two books by that name.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Mine was first, so make sure it's Kimberly Kingsley.

Scott Dillingham:

That's awesome.

Scott Dillingham:

So when you're saying energy, just so I'm clear and everybody who's listening is

Scott Dillingham:

clear, you're not just talking like I can walk around and do chores in my house.

Scott Dillingham:

You're talking being happy, right?

Scott Dillingham:

Versus, versus angry and just all of that, not just physical energy.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

I'm talking about emotional energy.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I'm talking about, yes, we, that's a whole topic, but yes, we're talking

Kimberly Kingsley:

about the energy that moves through us and powers our lives, and it has

Kimberly Kingsley:

to go through every level of self.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So emotion is part of it.

Kimberly Kingsley:

But when we get our emotions right, then we have more physical energy.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So it's all connected.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

And I like that you said you, you get more physical energy because you

Scott Dillingham:

do if I'm somewhere and I'm really tired, let's say going for a walk seems

Scott Dillingham:

like the last thing you want to do or working out or doing breath work, right?

Scott Dillingham:

Like you don't want to do those things because you're tired, but if you

Scott Dillingham:

do them for even just five minutes.

Scott Dillingham:

And you have so much energy and it's like you've just completely recharged.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

That's right.

Scott Dillingham:

It's really cool.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

That's really cool.

Scott Dillingham:

No, that's awesome.

Scott Dillingham:

So I love it.

Scott Dillingham:

So I know you mentioned Kimberly Kingsley.

Scott Dillingham:

com for your website.

Scott Dillingham:

So if somebody wants to reach out to you, that would be the source.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

So my last name is K I N

Kimberly Kingsley:

Kimberly Kingsley.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Scott Dillingham:

Okay, that's awesome.

Scott Dillingham:

Do you have any final thoughts or things you'd like to say before we go?

Kimberly Kingsley:

I would just like to encourage people

Kimberly Kingsley:

to cultivate energy awareness.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Start becoming aware of how you feel within your body, within and around you.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And then, and go from there.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Follow the breadcrumbs.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Follow the good vibes.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

Thanks so much, Kimberly.

Scott Dillingham:

I'm so glad you were able to come and thanks for sharing your wisdom.

Scott Dillingham:

And I gotta say, guys, I've worked with Kimberly in the past before the Flow Lab,

Scott Dillingham:

and she's really good at what she does.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Thank you so much, Scott.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Thank you for having me.

Kimberly Kingsley:

No problem.

Scott Dillingham:

Thanks, Kimberly.

Scott Dillingham:

Thank you.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

What'd you think?

Kimberly Kingsley:

Oh, that was fun.

Kimberly Kingsley:

It's always easy to talk to you.

Scott Dillingham:

Thank you.

Scott Dillingham:

Thank you.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah, I know.

Scott Dillingham:

I'm glad you liked it.

Scott Dillingham:

And yeah, we should be able to push it out if not this week, for sure.

Scott Dillingham:

Next week.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Okay, great.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And I'll definitely post it.

Kimberly Kingsley:

How will, what format will it be in?

Scott Dillingham:

It's on just like you were on Spotify, Apple, all of those.

Scott Dillingham:


Kimberly Kingsley:

so I can just post a link and so no

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

I can do video too because we recorded it.

Scott Dillingham:

So video would go to YouTube if we do that.

Scott Dillingham:

Let's do it.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

So it's no problem.

Scott Dillingham:

We'll send it to YouTube.

Scott Dillingham:

So we got that.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

But I hope it helps.

Scott Dillingham:

I hope you get lots of clients.

Scott Dillingham:

We do have we've had over a hundred thousand downloads, so it's like

Scott Dillingham:

pretty decently listened to.

Scott Dillingham:

And we actually stopped for a while doing them just because the business

Scott Dillingham:

is growing in different areas, but the past maybe two or three months,

Scott Dillingham:

we really hammered back down on it.

Scott Dillingham:

The audience had a dip and then we started producing again

Scott Dillingham:

and it's way back up again.

Scott Dillingham:

So it's a perfect time.

Scott Dillingham:


Kimberly Kingsley:


Scott Dillingham:

Thank you.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

So it's exciting.

Scott Dillingham:

So I hope you get lots of business.

Scott Dillingham:

I'm going to look into what you do actually like this part's not going

Scott Dillingham:

to be aired, but how does it work for pricing for teams and stuff?

Kimberly Kingsley:

So, informally speaking, we do try to work within

Kimberly Kingsley:

budgets, but are generally we're about, five to 8, 000 a day for a team.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So like for your team, maybe if it was virtual, I might recommend like two online

Kimberly Kingsley:

sessions, two or even four, if we did it 90 minutes, like four 90 minute sessions.

Kimberly Kingsley:

And I will work with you on the price,

Scott Dillingham:

but, okay.

Scott Dillingham:

So when you do the five to 8, 000 a day, is that like a whole

Scott Dillingham:

workshop, like a daily workshop?

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

Okay, yeah, so that's reasonable.

Scott Dillingham:

And then so what you're suggesting though is more of check ins

Scott Dillingham:

than if we did 90 minute ones.

Kimberly Kingsley:

If I came to the Great Lakes area, then we would just do a day.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

But if you didn't want to do that, I think a day online is a lot.

Kimberly Kingsley:

So we just break it up.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

So roughly same price, but then you're doing

Kimberly Kingsley:

probably 4 sessions or 2, 3 hour sessions.

Scott Dillingham:

Okay, cool.

Scott Dillingham:

No, I like it.

Scott Dillingham:

Let me let me chat with my team.

Scott Dillingham:

I love it though.

Scott Dillingham:

And we'll see what we can do.

Scott Dillingham:

I think it's, I think it's good.

Scott Dillingham:

We like we implemented the they work 9 to 5.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

9 to 5 is what they get paid, but they technically only work 9 to 4, right?

Scott Dillingham:

So we give them that extra hour to go home or whatever early.

Scott Dillingham:

So we're doing that, but I do push the rest and recovery and they

Scott Dillingham:

don't do the rest and recovery part.

Scott Dillingham:

It's something they're slacking on.

Kimberly Kingsley:

This would fortify that.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Yeah, it would fortify the need that is so great that you did that for them.

Scott Dillingham:

For sure.

Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

They enjoy it.

Scott Dillingham:

So no

Kimberly Kingsley:

one's leaving your company anytime soon.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah, no, for sure.

Scott Dillingham:

For sure.

Scott Dillingham:

And no, that's awesome.

Scott Dillingham:

So I appreciate that.

Scott Dillingham:

So yeah we actually have a meeting today at two with the team.

Scott Dillingham:

So I'll go over it and say, we did the podcast and whatever, and you

Scott Dillingham:

know what, maybe I'll give them access so they can just hear it and

Scott Dillingham:

then say you guys want to do this?

Scott Dillingham:

Let's do it.

Scott Dillingham:

Oh, my God.

Kimberly Kingsley:

That would be so great.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I'm so craving the Midwest.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Even if we did it online, that'd be great.

Scott Dillingham:

Yeah, for sure.

Scott Dillingham:

But if yeah, whatever, but I guess we'll chat and then if you're going

Scott Dillingham:

to be in the Great Lakes area, then maybe we can align it for that.

Scott Dillingham:

But if not, then yeah, we'll do it online or

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

That sounds great.

Scott Dillingham:

Thanks so

Kimberly Kingsley:

much, Kimberly.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Thank you, Scott.

Kimberly Kingsley:

Great to see you.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Scott Dillingham:


Scott Dillingham:

You too.

Scott Dillingham:

Take care.

Scott Dillingham:

And again, I hope this helps get you lots of business.

Kimberly Kingsley:

I really appreciate that.

Kimberly Kingsley:


Kimberly Kingsley:

Bye bye.

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Scott Dillingham